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Piyasa koşullarında insaniyet getiri puanı yükselen israil devleti karşıtlığı yüksek talep görmeye devam ediyor. Borsa yeni bir rekora koşuyor. Peki elini insan kanıyla yıkamamış bir devlet var mıdır ki bir diğerine insaniyet namına dur diyebilsin.

*Go fuck yourself with your atom bomb
I don't feel good don't bother me.
I won't write my poem till I'm in my right mind. Allen Ginsberg

İnsanlığını unutmuşların devlet egemen düzeninin ilacı, kendi misak-ı milli sınırları içinde aslında. Jewish Voice for Peace'e kulak verelim;

Jewish Voice for Peace condemns Israel's attack and killing of members of the Freedom Flotilla aiming to bring much needed aid to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Before the flotilla was attacked, Yigal Palmor, an Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, said,

"If we let them throw egg at us, we appear stupid with egg on our face. If we try to prevent them by force, we appear as brutes."

Israel has more than egg on its face. Israel has blood on its hands. At least 10 passengers have been killed by Israel and about 30 wounded in international waters. This is just another deadly escalation of Israel's harsh repression of nonviolent protests against the occupation, paid with American tax-dollars.

The White House has stated that it "deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained, and is currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy."

This is not enough.

President Obama should call for an immediate lifting of the siege of Gaza. He should support an international and impartial investigation into the tragic killing of civilians in a humanitarian mission. And he should suspend military aid to Israel until he can assure the American public that our aid is not used to commit similar abuses.

2 yorum :

  1. bu yazıyı bol bol paylaşıp anti-semitik döllenmeye karşı kullanmak gerek=)
    politika oyuncağın değerini bilen çocuklara bırakılsın, şımarık olanlara değil yau demek istedim...

  2. İnsaniyet namına Orphaned Land konserinde türk bayrağı açacak olanlar da okusun o zaman :)
